Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hey.. it's SECRET

Taukah kau? Dalam gerak-gerik sehalus apapun setiap benda di dalam kosmos, aku percaya selalu tersimpan rahasia.
Mengapa aku, kau ada dan... bertemu :)

Mengapa kita punya waktu sepanjang hayat untuk berbagi.
Atau mengapa kita hanya punya waktu sebentar untuk saling mengisi.
Semua punya rahasia.

And i'm telling you right now. You never know for sure about that secret, so you'd better make every second count.

That is the thing. You just never know. Forever is so many different things. It's always changing, it's what everything is really all about. It's twenty minutes, or a hundred years, or just this instant, or any instant I wish would last and last. But there's only one truth about forever that really matter, and that's this: it's happening.

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