Monday, February 21, 2011

My Man of The Month *February*

Do you watch American Idol 6??
Please keep your eyes open to Chris Medina.

Suaranya bagus, kelihatannya baik, agak gemuk. CUTE
Tapi bukan itu yang bikin saya ngepost tulisan ini.

Because i think he's a GREAT man!!

He has a girl, Juliana Ramos. After eight years together, Medina proposed to his girlfriend two years ago and the couple planned to wed soon after. A short time later, though, she was in a car accident that left her with a traumatic brain injury and in a coma that doctors didn't think she'd wake from.

She did, though, and Medina has stood by her side, helping to take care of her along with Ramos' mother and wearing her engagement ring on a chain around his neck.

Setelah sadar, cewenya cuma bisa duduk di kursi roda. Tentu saja, fisiknya ga secantik dulu lhooo. Juliana pun kesulitan saat harus ngomong.
Para juri American Idol langsung nanya kok bisa Chris ini tetep setia nunggu tunangannya bertahun-tahun.

Dan ini jawaban Chris,
"aku tidak tau apa jadinya hidupku kalau suatu saat tunanganku sembuh, dan aku tidak ada di sampingnya".

Chris' singing was great, but one of the Juries, Steven Tyler, was so moved by Chris' story ... he got up out of his chair, teary-eyed, walked over to Juliana, and hugged and kissed her. Seriously folks, i cried like a baby. For me, Chris Medina is the hero on American Idol 6. He's my man of the month!




  1. iiihhh,,,aq jg suka tau!!!! kan aq g prnah ketinggalan nonton,,,,sedih ya,,,setia bgt,,,makanya aq jagoin dia,,,ah adik th ngajiplak ah,,,ahahahahahhaahah

  2. yeah he's nice and great right? ah i love him :)
